Recap of the first four weeks (warning: this is messy)
Okay, where to start. Like, WHERE, where, w h e r e ? (Yes I will try to write in English, if you are about to judge me- bye bye).
Hello world. I have started this post about five times now and to write it feels about as possible as reaching the top shelf at Tesco, therefore impossible. But let’s give it a try. Sixth time lucky, come on.
It is saturday and I am sitting in my bed, on the second floor in our three floor house. My room is cosy (kind of) besides the fact that it has a dotted carpeting. Dotted, why? I guess that is something I just have to deal with, even though me and mr Carpeting did not start off the best way possible. Downstairs Pailin is making breakfast and upstairs Carl is getting ready to go to town. Idun completely ditched us last night and went to Leicester, but we like her anyway. Gabriella, Pailin, Idun and Carl= Casa Scandinavia. And yes, I know they have weird names, but if you consider they are from Norway their names are still pretty normal. De er koselige.
These first four weeks of being a dance student in a completely new country have been (I am not going to lie) intense. Like, literally. Intense in the sense that I have had to cook, make lunch bags, pay bills, plan my budget, wash, clean and fix all the practical stuff. Although, I am surprised of my own ability to actually survive doing all of this without messing it up too much. Read: too much. Moreover intense in the sense of trying to get to know people with English as your second language. Sometimes I just want to say “kaosdag” or “balleliv”, but it just does not really work in English unfortunately. Also, of course, intense in the sense of starting a college of dance and all that entails. But even though everything has been intense, it has been akabakaamazing. And I know this does not make sense, but these first four weeks have, on the one hand, felt like one week and on the other like half a life. Waah I can’t remember eating meatballs the last time. Life is confusing.
Anyways, we are about 60 people in BPA1 at Northern school of contemporary dance (NSCD), splitted into two groups. The first week was all about (ba ba baaam) informationforms. I can not remember how many times I wrote my name and age, omg. But the first week also gave me a clearer view of NSCD and what the education is going to be all about. The staff informed us about rules, such as if you have under 90 % attendance you will get cut, clothing requirements, not coming late to class etc. In short, they wanted to tell us that if we work hard, the teachers will work hard and then we can create magic. Which totally make sense.
Life continued and the second week, third week and fourth week just scrolled by, like chapters in a good book. All days have the same kind of arrangement, we start at 9 am with ballet and contemporary (could be fitness) and after lunch we continue with creative (choreography, improvisation, body and mind, music) or academic lessons and finish around 5 pm. We often get homework or creative work to do after school, like making a choreography or writing a performance review. Moreover, this first term is mostly about making us as technically strong as possible and the classes are physically hard and we all sweat like pigs, which is something I really enjoy (maybe not the “sweating part” exactly, but the “working hard” one). We have live music to all classes, drums, piano or guitar, which also is wonderful. I feel that I am growing so much as a dancer during the classes and by looking back it is crazy how much I have learned during only four weeks. By just being surrounded by all the talented people at the school I feel inspired and motivated. (A bit overdramatic but that is life).
This is kind of messy (I warned you) and since you people probably do not have hours to spend on reading this post I will try to end it now. I have not really said half of the things I wanted, but briefly this is my feelings today and in life right now. My plan further on (hehe, I am the best at sticking to plans) is to write more often. I WILL TRY, really. Now I need to sleep (I started writing this post yesterday, if someone is confused). Big hug to everyone that wants it. I’m off. Goodienight.